Getting Started

Getting Started

     So I have never blogged before. Nor have I journaled or written out my thoughts in any way other that emails and texts. But I dream of ...

Available Consulting Services and Fee Schedule

Please contact me via email ( to discuss how I can support your district, school, and staff regarding special education practices. I can provide coaching and consultation for school teams regarding special education.  
  • $50 per hour with a minimum contracted time of one hour 
  • 6 hours maximum per day 
  • some services will require planning time at the same rate
Please contact me to create a contract to compose your out-of-district and scholarship IEPs.  I can also participate in meetings if desired
  • $50 per hour per IEP and an additional $50 per hour for meetings and other support as needed
I can also provide professional development on topics such as: 
  • IEP and ETR compliance
  • Connecting IEPs and Specially Designed Supports Services to the general curriculum
  • How to determine appropriate specially designed instruction, accommodations, and modifications
  • Progress monitoring, data gathering and analysis
  • District and school data analysis and decision-making
  • Writing compliant and quality documents
  • Compliant and quality transition planning
  • Many other topics upon request.
Rates for professional development can be negotiated depending on need but on average the rates are
  • $50 per hour with a minimum contracted time of two hours 
  • 6 hours maximum per day 
  • planning time at the same rate (hours are dependent on topic and days of PD)

Below are descriptions and links for some of my past presentations and topics

IEP-ETR Best Practices: Setting Up Internal Monitoring Processes in Your District

Examining LRE Practices 

The Examining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Practices to Support Diverse Learners series is a cohort model that will allow building and district teams to gain awareness, build a deeper level of understanding, and change practices to ensure that all students are served in their LRE. This is a five-day series during one school year and a commitment through the following school year. During this series teams will:

  • Analyze school and district-level data to determine the current status of student services and student opportunities for learning. Align the school and district mission statements with shared values and a clear vision focused on equity. Facilitate conversations to raise equity awareness among educators, students, community members, and families. Investigate research of highly effective practices in integrated schools. Create a new service delivery map, rethinking structures and use of staff to create teams of professionals that meet the needs of all students.

Quality Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities

This course is intended for school or district teams to build knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for quality transition planning.  

The course objectives are:
  • Creating quality transition plans for youth with disabilities by incorporating the essential elements into the transition planning process, including: 
  • Age-appropriate transition assessments 
  • Preferences, interests, needs, and strengths of the youth 
  • Post-secondary goals and transition services 
  • Utilizing a backward planning process to create a multi-year plan for transition-aged youth with disabilities 
  • Using the indicator 13 checklist to create a monitoring structure to ensure the implementation of the content of the transition plans.
  • Using the content of the sessions and the modules to train others within schools, districts, and programs to ensure quality transition planning
  • Create an internal monitoring system to ensure quality transition planning
The course is broken into seven sessions:
Session 1: Overview of transition planning
Session 2: Student-focused Planning: IEP Development, Planning Strategies, Student Participation
Session 3: Student Development: Assessment & Teaching Academic, Employment & Life Skills
Session 4: Connecting AATA, Goals, and Services and Activities
Session 5: Online Resources for Transition Planning
Session 6: Program Structures: Strategic Planning, Policies & Procedures,  Resource Development & Allocation
Session 7: Professional Learning Community

Secondary Transition Planning Refresher

This workshop is organized into three modules that cover 

  • AATA and Person Centered Planning
  • Post Secondary Goals and Graduation Planning
  • Transition Services, Connection to the IEP and the SOP

I have created several websites in Ohio. I am happy to create similar resources for your district based on your state's Operating Standards.

  • resources for writing compliant and quality IEPs and ETRs, how to form an internal monitoring team to review special education documents and processes, how to include these practices into your school or district strategic planning
Industry Recognized Credential Fair

  • information about various industry recognized credentials that students can earn while in high school. Some states have a graduation pathway that includes using IRC as a graduation option in lieu of statewide testing
SPP Supports
  • resources and information about each of the indicators that has an associated required action
Website design negotiated based on content and topics
  • base rate is $1000 plus $50 per hour over base

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